Getting old and got wrinkles is natural. But there is no shame wanting less lines, glowy and plump skin. No judge for everybody that want to look younger.
So, here we comes with 15 easy ways on how to look younger, these are tips we have researched from best sources and compiled it in this article, Hope it will help you.
note: these ways or tips are not only for you on their late 30’s or mid 40’s but also for 20’s to start looking what they need to do for their skin’s health and appearence and help to retard aging-signs.
15 Tips on How To Look Younger
1. Choose Pink-ish Lipstick
Switch to soft pink or rose gold for your lips to make it no too severe. LIghter lip will keep you look younger but stay away from peaches-oranges shades which can make your teeth appear yellow.
Also a little note put lipstick with no companion from other makeup. It just gonna make you look older than your bare face.
2. Baby Your Teeth
Yeah, we all know as we grow old our teeth change into yeelow-ish. And that’s make you look older. Ever seen a baby with yeow teeth? Yeah , you know that answer.
3. Wear Less Make Up
Sounds classy but no doubt that heavy makeup is not a good thing for our facial skin. So, better to put light or simple makeup.
4. Better Care To Your Hands
Hands never lie, especially about our age. some studied showed that people can accurately guess people’s age by their hands.
Not only your facial skin, hand needed special treatment to make it look young. But some basic you should never miss is to apply hand creams with spf.
5. Right Concealer
It can be tricky to choose the right cover up for yours. You want get those long lasting concealer so you don’t need to reapply it that will make it too severe for your skin.
6. Try Liquid Foundation
Apply powder only will accenrtuate wrinkles and make your skin look dry. Baeeter to avoid high-duty foundation if you want o get that ‘younger’ look.
7. Go For Pedicure
Believe it or not, our feet shows everything like our hands do,So, better to go for pedicure or you can go with pedicure-kit that you can do at home. And get younger and firm-look feet. Get yourself your private pedicure spa and manicure set.
8. Transformating with Eyeliner
Frame your face with eyeliner could be that ‘transformative’. Enlarging eyes will make you so much younger.
9. Blush Up Correctly
Pink, apricots or neutral shades that you sweep on you cheeks will give you a natural younger look. Apply it on sircular motin and place at the highest point of your cheekbone to create the contour.
10. Sunscreen
SPF 30 or more is a basic you can negotiate if you want to keep your skin on a good stage. You must wear it every single day.
11. Brown Spots
Reverse your brown spots with natural ingredients lemon and water. Diluted lemon into water and apply it before go to bed, magically your spots will faded of course it takes a time. since it is an acid stuff aplly it only a little wit Q-tips, but stop using if your skin shows iritating .
12. Sunglasses
Wearing sunscreen is not enough if you were on open places on the daytime. So put up your sunglasses is a great thing to protect the eye areas but also get stylish with chic accessories .
13. Collagen Product Is A Must
Collagen is a key ingradient to get those smooth and firm skin. It will buiding collagen on your skin so your skin get their elsticity also diminishing wrinkes and acne scars.
These little thing will make save you hundred of dollars for just a treatment later.
14. Anti-Aging Treatment
You realize it or not, studied shows that we can get aging signs from early twenties. Don’t wait using anti aging product when your wrinkles or grey hair is show up.
15. Smile!!
Last but not least tips on how to look younger is SMILE. When you smile, people will hardly guess your accurate age. Smile makes you look younger instead sullen face will make you look older.
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